First Advance Testimonial for My Upcoming Horror Short Story Collection, “Behind the Shadows”

I already have two advance testimonials in praise of my new horror short story collection, Behind the Shadows, coming out in a few months. I can’t help but share one of them this soon, coming from Quantum Demonology author, Sheila Eggenberger, my longtime “Danish Connection.”

When Sheila’s novel came out in 2013, I reviewed it and she did me the honor of using my blurb in all of her promotional materials, including t-shirts. You can see what I wrote in the picture above. I am beyond privileged what Sheila sent me this morning after she read Behind the Shadows cover-to-cover:

“Pick your shivers. Any shivers. Ghosts? Zombies? Things unmentionable in daylight? Whatever your preferred chills, shivers and icy winds down your spine, Ray Van Horn, Jr. has you dangerously uncovered and quaking in your armchair at a steady 150 mph in his new collection of short stories, Behind the Shadows. They’re guaranteed to leave you both quaking, shaking and emphatically stirred.”

– Sheila Eggenberger, author of Quantum Demonology.

From Baltimore to Copenhagen, much love and madness to you, Sheila.

Behind the Shadows, from Ray Van Horn, Jr. Coming soon from Raw Earth Ink.

–Ray Van Horn, Jr.

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